Monday 5 October 2009

Codes And Conventions of a Music Video.

The Codes and Conventions of a music video include;

  • Narratives (maybe linear maybe non linear)
  • Simple Closed Narratives.
  • Amplification of lyrics
  • Use of Star.
  • Close ups of Star.
  • Some performance
  • Story Lines
  • Main Characters.
  • Simple Special Effects
  • Editing that matches the beat of the music.
  • Eliptical Editing
  • Lip synching
  • Set in realistic places
  • Mise en scene used to create character types
  • Image of star is portrayed to suit genre.
  • Not much interaction with characters.
  • No dialogue at the beginning.
  • Range of Camera Angles. e.g Tracking Shots and Crane shots.

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