Tuesday 13 October 2009



The video starts off with a boy plugging in his ipod and cross cuts to the band setting up, and the guitarist plugging in his guitar. The music will start as the boy puts his earphones into his ears.
The boy then walks down the road listening to his ipod and we cut to the band performing.
We have a narrative in which we see a couple out together, who are being watched by the boy from the beginning. We start with a shot looking at the couple stood together under an umbrella. Then we see a shot of the boy (stalker) hiding behind the bush watching them. We then cut to the stalkers viewpoint looking at the cuople as they begin to walk off. Still from the stalkers perspective we watch the couple have an arguement and the girl walk off. We then watch the stalker follow the girl and the boy from the couple watch angrily. We then see the boy from the couple follow the other two characters and see all three of them walking down the road one behind the other. We see the stalker stop and fight with the boy from the couple, using different camara angles such as high angle shots, poing of view shots and close ups.
Throughout the video we will cross cut between this narrative and clips of the band performing in a recording studio. Using close ups of each member and their instrument and diffenrent shots of the whole band together.

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