Wednesday, 7 October 2009


Today we created and handed out a questionnaire to see what our target audience would expect from a music video.
  1. How old are you?
    16-20 21-25 26-30+

  2. Are you ; male / female?

  3. What is your favourite music genre?

  4. Do you prefer narrative or performance based videos?

  5. Do you think the video should correspond to the lyrics?

  6. Do you think the band/artist should be in the video or a fictional character?

  7. What is your favourite music video and why?

  8. Do you think the people in the video need to be sterotypically 'goodlooking'?
  9. Do you read music magazines? Which ones?
  10. Have you ever been influenced to watch a music video by reading about the band in a magazine?
  11. Are you more likely to buy an album if the album artwork looks good?
  12. Does a band / Artist have to correspond to the genre? (such as promotional material / costumes)
  13. Should a music video include special effects?
  14. Should the music video be in black 'n' white or colour or a combination?
  15. Should the narrative used in the video be linear / non linear?
  16. Should the music video include dance routines?
  17. Do you find that music videos 'objectify' women?
  18. Do you think a music video should work within a genre of it's own e.g comedy?
  19. Should a music video have a clear ending or not?
  20. Where would you like a music video to be set?
  21. Do you think the video should include a range of camera angles?
  22. Should the artist perform towards the camera?
  23. Do you prefer promotional material to be small or big and 'in your face'?
  24. Does a music video make a song more popular?
  25. Do you like to see the arist on the album artwork?

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