Monday 12 October 2009

Interview with a Fan

When and how did you first hear about parazali?
I saw a live show about 2 years ago and then went and searched them on myspace because I thought they were good.

What is your personal favourite song by them and why?
Where’s he hiding?
The lyrics are good, it’s catchy. I like the guitar solo in it

Have you ever been to one of their live shows? And how was it?
Yes…it was really good.
They sounded really good and had great stage presence

Where do you feel the band could be in 10 years from now? E.g. signed, critical or commercial success?
I think they could be signed and playing shows in bigger venues.

What do you think the band could improve on?
I personally think the band should include less show off solos and be a bit more creative with there music.

What makes Parazali special from any other bands?
They are special because they have very powerful songs even though there are only three band members which make them quite special.

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